I think I saw this game for $20 on g2a, I would have felt better purchasing this game at that price but unfortunately I paid full price for a game that wasn't yet ready for release on PC. I would recommend buying the game on console if you have the option, otherwise I think the game will be worth it in the long run for PC. More than likely much more in game purchases to come.
The good: -3 combat variations for each character -Interesting movie-like story mode -Improved Krypt is a game within the game -Great fatalities and brutalities -Love the kombos! The bad: -Story mode is very short (Took me 4 hours, even took it slow) +PC port has issues (to name a few) -Online play lags for many players (I don't think online is region locked either) -Shuttering and other FPS issues that seem unfixable -Players losing save files -Slow to patch game -Many others depending person to person and on your hardware -Pre order bonus character Goro and other day one DLC, Kombat Pack characters aren't available right away.
The good: -3 combat variations for each character There are many reasons to love and hate this game, especially this PC version. There are many reasons to love and hate this game, especially this PC version.

Jogo obrigatório para fãs de jogos de luta. Tem muito a ensinar a minha franquia favorita, Street Fighter. Gráficos lindos, ótima jogabilidade, cenários bem legais e o melhor modo história de um jogo de luta até agora. O jogo está excelente em todos os aspectos. Porém, desde a época de PSOne, não jogava um jogo da franquia. Summary: Mortal Kombat X combines cinematic presentation with all new gameplay to deliver the most brutal Kombat experience ever, offering a new fully-connected experience that launches players into a persistent online contest where every fight matters in a global battle for supremacy. No passado, o que mais joguei foi Mortal Kombat Trilogy (também amava Mythologies Sub-Zero). Ao contrário de Mortal Kombat, que tem ficado melhor a cada jogo. Porém, é inegável que as últimas decisões tomadas por Capcom distanciaram Street Fighter de muitos jogadores. Sempre fui muito mais fã da série da Capcom, e assim é ainda hoje. Cresci vendo a rivalidade entre Mortal Kombat e Street Fighter. In Brazilian Portuguese: Eu nasci no início dos anos 80 e tive minha infância e adolescencia toda nos anos 80 e 90. It has a lot to teach my favorite franchise, Street Fighter.

Beautiful graphics, great gameplay, very cool stages and the best story mode of fighting games so far. However, since the time of PSOne, I haven't played a game from the franchise. In the past, the game I played most was Mortal Kombat Trilogy (I also love Mythologies Sub-Zero). Unlike Mortal Kombat, which has gotten better with every game. However, it is undeniable that Capcom's latest decisions have distanced Street Fighter from many players. I've always been a much bigger fan of the Capcom series, and so it is today. I grew up seeing the rivalry between Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. I grew up seeing the rivalry In English: I was born in the early 80's and had my childhood and adolescence all over the 80's and 90's. In English: I was born in the early 80's and had my childhood and adolescence all over the 80's and 90's.